Credit reporting bureaus such as Equifax are legally obligated to keep your credit accounts reporting with accurate and truthful information. If you have a problem with a credit account, such as an incorrect payment history, wrong balance or you don't even own the account, you can file a dispute. Equifax investigates the account and confirms the information with the account holder in order to provide accurate credit information.
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Navigate to Equifax's online dispute webpage.
2Put the Equifax credit report number in the first field if you have ordered one from the company within 90 days. Skip this field if you have not. Enter your personal information in the fields provided, such as name, Social Security number and addresses for the past two years. Click "Submit."
3Answer the multiple choice questions to prove your identity. These questions are drawn from the Lexus Nexus database and ask questions about your lenders, credit accounts and addresses. Click "Submit."
4Press the "Start a New Dispute" button.
5Use the sidebar navigation options to go through each part of your credit report. If you see an inaccurate account, click "Dispute This Item." Put a check mark next to the specific reason you are disputing the account or enter a brief statement on the inaccuracy of the listing. Click "Add Dispute" to get Equifax to investigate the account.