Numerous organizations regularly view your credit reports. Credit reporting bureaus record every time your report is accessed. Even buying car insurance creates a note on the report. It's important to know what inquiries have been made into your credit file and whether they should have been made.
Credit reporting bureaus maintain files on an individual basis. Joint lines of credit, such as home loans, are recorded on both credit files and are identical. To get details of your joint credit report, it's only necessary to get one copy.
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Visit (see Resources) to get your joint credit report. It's easy and quick, and consumers are entitled to one free report each year. At this site you can get your reports from the three credit reporting bureaus: Experian, TransUnion and Equifax.
2Select which state you live in from the drop-down box. Complete the application form accurately. Review the details before proceeding.
3Enter the alphanumeric code in the box at the bottom of the page. Click "Continue." Check your details, then click "Submit." Your information will be verified and a password given. Click "Continue."
4Create a password and password reminder. Follow the instructions. View your credit report, which contains joint credit details, online instantly.
5The joint account holder should repeat Steps 1 to 4 to get her credit report. You can now compare the two to ensure that the information is the same. To ensure that all joint lines of credit are accurate and have identical information, get all three credit reports for both joint names. Report any errors directly to the credit reporting bureau (see Resources).