Lenders use your credit report to help them determine whether to give you a loan and at what interest rate. When you fill out an application to rent an apartment, apply for a job, want to take out insurance coverage or try to get credit, utilities or a cell phone, anyone with a legitimate business need can pull up your credit report. You may be shocked to learn, however, that 70 percent of credit reports contain errors, according to Bankrate.com. These errors could prevent you from getting credit or loans. You can correct this by sending a proper letter to the credit reporting agencies.
1 Find out what is in your credit report. You can order one free annual report from all three credit reporting agencies: Trans Union, Experian and Equifax. Do this by going to www.annualcreditreport.com or by calling 1-877-322-8228. Ask for one from a different agency every four months to avoid any fees.
2 Locate any mistakes. Common mistakes you could find on your reports include purchases that you did not make or wrong purchase prices. Errors could also include a charge for a product you did not get, math errors, items where you question the data but need more information to evaluate it and payments listed as late that you made on time. If you find a mistake, report it to Equifax, Trans Union and Experian in writing.
3 Address your letter and put "Re: Credit report error" right under the address. Start by saying that you discovered a mistake on your credit report, and state your full name and Social Security number.
4 Enclose a copy of the credit report with the mistake highlighted. Briefly explain what the mistake is, and ask that they please investigate the matter with the creditor who made the mistake.
5 Include the best phone number where they can reach you. Sign the letter, and under your signature, type your name and address.
6 Make a copy to keep, and send the original by certified mail, with a return receipt requested.
7 You may ask the credit reporting agencies to send notices of any corrections to anyone who pulled up your report within the past six months. They can send your corrected copy to any firm where you applied for a job within the past two years.
8 Let the creditor in question know in writing that you disputed the claim with the reporting agencies. Include copies of documentation that proves your point.