Many credit reporting agencies offer free trials for new customers. The free trial lasts anywhere from seven to 30 days and includes a free copy of your credit report and sometimes additional services, such as real-time protection. After the free trial expires, the company automatically bills your credit card the monthly fee for the service. To avoid the expense, you need to cancel your free trial before it ends. Most agencies require users to call and cancel the service.
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Look for and click on the "Contact us" button. It is usually at the bottom of any page. Look for the phone number on the "Contact us" page and call that number.
2Press the menu button that transfers you to a customer service agent. If you are not given the option to speak to an agent, select the "Account questions" option or something similar. You will eventually be transferred to an agent. If you can say an option, say "Agent."
3Provide the agent with your personal information when asked. Credit reporting agencies always need your name and Social Security number before canceling or changing your account. Some also ask for your primary residence and the credit report number, which is on your online "Account" page.
4Tell the agent you wish to cancel your free trial account. The agent will likely attempt to persuade you to stay and may even extend the free trial. If you still want to cancel, decline the offer. Once your account is canceled, the agent should tell you to write down a confirmation number. If he does not, ask him for the number. You should also be sent an email with the confirmation number.