Potential creditors, employers and landlords use information found on your credit report to evaluate your fiscal responsibility. This information can include credit card accounts, loans and even accounts with utility companies. If your report contains negative information from a utility bill that you believe is incorrect, you can dispute that information with the credit bureau that prepared the report; if they are unable to validate the debt, it will be removed from your report. There are three major credit bureaus, and they operate independently of one another, so you'll need to file a dispute with each bureau that reflects the inaccuracy on your credit report.
- 1
Visit the online dispute website for the credit bureaus that reflect the utility bill on your report (see Resources). Select the option to begin an online dispute.
2Fill out all of the required information, including your full name, telephone number, Social Security number, email address and current mailing address. You may also be asked to provide your previous address to verify your identity.
3Enter all of the information that you have available regarding the utility account, including the company name, address and account number.
4Include an explanation of why you're disputing the account. If you have previously paid off the account, then include specific dates and amounts if you can remember them. Preview your dispute to make sure that all information is accurate, then submit the online form.
5Wait for a response. The credit bureau will contact the creditor and ask it to verify that the debt is valid. If the creditor is unable to do so or if it doesn't respond within 45 days, the listing will be removed from your credit report. You will be notified via email and may also be notified via regular mail.