There are various methods to help you establish a credit history, and turning 18 is the best time to begin building your personal rating. Obtaining first-time credit can prove challenging. Even so, multiple lenders are eager to help you get your foot in the door. They offer credit to people with no credit history or bad credit, which gives you the opportunity to demonstrate creditworthiness and acquire A+ credit.
- 1
Set up a bank account. Select a local branch or credit union and open a checking or savings account.
2Seek employment. Obtaining a credit approval requires steady employment. Find a job and stay with the same employer for at least three to six months.
3Consider student credit cards. If attending college, apply for a student credit card. Pick up an application from your college or university.
4Open a secured credit card account with your bank. Obtain credit with no credit history at 18 by applying for a prepaid or secured credit card.
5Consider an auto loan. Finance a reasonably priced used or new automobile to begin establishing credit. Use a co-signer if necessary to improve your approval odds.
6Use the piggyback method. Attach your name and social security number to your parents' credit card to start building a credit history.
7Practice good habits. Increase your credit rating by exercising good credit habits. Pay your bills on time and keep a low credit card balance.
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