Cleaning up your credit can provide a sense of accomplishment. Most people don't want to deal with bad credit. A low score can result in credit denials, with it becoming impossible to find a good rate and terms on finance packages. A better credit score is realistic. But before you can clean up your rating, you need to know what affects credit scoring.
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Work with creditors to remove wrong information from your credit report. Check your credit report once or twice a year. Make a note of incorrect information, and call your creditors to correct the inaccuracies. Removing errors can quickly clean up your credit.
2Organize your debts. Place all your monthly statements inside a file folder, and make a notation of your due dates to avoid missing a payment. If you miss a payment, ask your credit card company to forgive the lateness to help clean up your credit.
3Pay early. Don't wait until your due date to make payments. If you have the money, pay within a day or two of receiving the statement to improve your credit rating.
4Use any extra money to pay down credit card balances. Rather than using extra cash to dine out, shop or vacation, make personal sacrifices and put that money toward your outstanding debts. Eliminating or lowering your debts helps improve your credit faster.
5Address old accounts. Paying collection and judgment accounts, and asking creditors to delete this information from your credit report, can quickly raise your score.
6Utilize rapid rescoring. It takes time for credit reports to reflect corrected errors and paidoff accounts. With rapid rescoring, creditors immediately update your report, and your credit score can increase within days. There's a fee for quick rescoring (about $50).
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