If you attempt to purchase your credit scores online, you will be asked to provide a credit card number. For individuals without access to a credit card, however, there are alternate ways of obtaining a credit score.
You can purchase your credit scores from the credit bureaus via mail with a check or money order. Each credit score may take several weeks to arrive.
You can visit a local bank and explain that you are considering opening a new checking account. The bank will then conduct a credit check and inform you of your current credit score.
Although every consumer has the legal right to a free credit report each year from each credit reporting agency, the free annual credit reports that consumers receive do not come with a free credit score.
Your credit score varies depending on the information each of your creditors reports every month. Consider purchasing credit monitoring to have constant access to your credit score.
You may purchase your FICO scores from Equifax and TransUnion, but Experian does not sell FICO scores to consumers. It will, however, provide you with a consumer credit score. This score will differ from the FICO score lenders use.
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