Monday, April 16, 2007

Why Doesn't the Date of Last Activity Show on My Credit Report?

Credit reports are largely known for important items such as payment histories, inquiries and public records. However, your credit report contains some other information that can be critical to your financial future. One such item is the date of your last activity.

What's Included On Your Credit Report

    Your credit report shows all of the credit accounts you have, which includes the payment history of each account. Also included is the date you opened the account, the high balance on your cards, how many times you've been late and the last date your account status was reported to the bureaus. You may also find that your credit report shows your date of last activity.

Date of Last Activity

    As the name suggests, the date of your last activity shows when you last performed a transaction on the account in question. Your date of last activity is a significant number for a variety of reasons. Not only does it show if you're actively using your account, but it can be an important benchmark within your credit report. If your account is closed out because of a negative action, such as a charge-off or bankruptcy, the date of last activity is considered when that negative action begins. The negative information stays on your credit report for the duration of the statute of limitations -- usually seven years or more -- from the date of last activity.


    The date of your last activity is usually indicated on your credit report, but it might have a different name. You might see a category with a similar title, such as Prior Delinquency or Date of Last Delinquency. This accomplishes the same purpose as the date of last activity, but focuses only on late payments. It's also possible that your credit report doesn't show the date of your last activity.

If It's Not Listed

    Since there are so many different websites selling credit reports, there isn't one consistent format for your report. As a result, some items have different names or are omitted altogether. If your date of last activity isn't specifically listed, you still might be able to figure out the date. Your payment history chart should show the status of all of your payments for the past two years; if the date of last delinquency falls in that range, you'll be able to see it. Your last delinquency may also be listed in the Creditor Comments section of your credit report. If you still aren't sure, call your creditor to find out your correct date of last activity.


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