Saturday, December 22, 2007

How to Get Credit Wiped Clean

How to Get Credit Wiped Clean

It's possible to wipe your credit rating clean rapidly without breaking the law or hiring a specialist. You can pay your creditors to delete charged-off credit cards, delinquent accounts, unpaid bills and any other negative entry from your credit rating. If you have spare cash, you can repair your credit instantly without going through the laborious process of waiting for negative entries to drop off of your credit report and using secured credit cards to build your credit score back up slowly.



    Read your credit reports from the three major credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian). Find the negative entries that you would like removed. Make note of the creditors and their contact information. The only negative item that you can't remove from your credit report is a bankruptcy, but anything else is open to negotiation.


    Contact the creditor by mail or over the phone and request a "pay for delete" on the entry. If the amount owed is under $500, you can increase your chances of success by offering the full amount in return for a deletion. If the amount is larger, start by offering 10 percent; move up from there if you're denied. Make sure that you request that the deletion occur within 10 to 30 days of the company receiving your payment.


    Await a reply from the creditor. Once you receive its agreement, send payment promptly as agreed. You can use a check or even a money order if you don't want your creditors finding out where you keep your bank accounts.


    Monitor your credit report to ensure that the creditor follows through with your agreement. In most cases, it will follow through promptly, but it usually takes 30 days or more for your credit report to update.


    Improve your credit score by paying bills and making loan payments on time. A credit report clean of negative entries will improve your chances of being approved for affordable loans and credit cards, but a good credit history is necessary for building your score over the long term.


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