In Canada, knowing your credit history is vital. Having established credit allows consumers to purchase items on credit without having to pay the entire amount upfront. Credit can allow you to obtain a mortgage on a home, a loan on a car or get a utility bill put in your name. As an employer, knowing the credit history of current and potential employees is an asset. For these reasons, your credit rating is extremely important to both you and your present or potential employer.
Obtaining your personal credit report
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Select two pieces of government identification. These may include a birth certificate, passport, age of majority card, citizenship card, social insurance card, aboriginal status card, military card or any other government issued identification. These two pieces combined must have your name, date of birth, signature and current address.
2Download the appropriate request form from TransUnion Canada, Equifax Canada or Experian Canada (see Resources).
3Complete all required information on the form.
4Photocopy required identification (both sides), and send it with the form to the address indicated.
Running a Credit Check on a Canadian Resident
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Register with a credit agency: TransUnion Canada, Equifax Canada or Experian Canada (see Resources).
6Prepare a form for the customer to sign, allowing access to their credit information.
7View and photocopy one piece of identification and verify that the information on the form is correct and in accordance with the identification.
8Submit the information to TransUnion Canada, Equifax Canada or Experian Canada, and request a history of credit.
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