Your credit score is a reflection of the information held within your credit file. The age of your accounts, credit utilization, inquiries, types of credit and payment history are all factors in your credit score. Your credit score determines things such as: the interest you pay, whether you can qualify for credit cards or loans, insurance premiums, and whether you meet criteria for certain jobs. Every consumer should review their credit file to ensure there aren't errors. Credit scores range between 350 to 900.
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Enter the web address into your web browser. Click the tab that says: "FICO Scores & Credit Reports."
2Select the option for "FICO Standard." Select the credit report and score you would like to order. Your choices are TransUnion and Equifax. Click continue.
3Register for an account. Once you have registered for your account, enter your payment information and select continue.
4Wait a few moments and you will be taken to a page with a link to your credit reports and scores. You can view both of the credit reports and scores. Print your credit report for future reference.
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