Monday, April 8, 2013

Is it Worth Hiring an Attorney to Improve a Credit Score?

People with bad credit can go to extremes to try to help themselves out of their financial problems. While a bad credit score is not necessarily going to ruin your life, it can make it very difficult for you to get a loan. Some attorneys can help you improve your credit score. Talk to an attorney in your area if you need legal advice about your credit score or other related issues.

Credit Score

    Your credit score represents how much of a risk you pose to a creditor if the creditor decides to give you a loan. A low score means you are a risky borrower, while a high score means you are not. Your score is based on the information in your consumer credit reports. These reports contain information about how you've used credit in the past. In general, you can remove negative information on your report only if it is incorrect, while correct information must remain.

Improving Your Score

    The two main ways you can rebuild your credit score is by removing negative information from your credit report and improving the way you use credit. An attorney cannot force you to use credit more wisely, though she can offer you advice on how to use credit to improve your score. An attorney can also represent you and your interests when dealing with creditors or the credit reporting agencies that collect credit report information.

Defending Your Interests

    An attorney can help you when you face a lawsuit or collections action from a creditor. Attorneys can defend your interests against anyone suing you or contacting you in an attempt to collect a debt and fighting a lawsuit without the help of an attorney can seriously damage your credit. An attorney can help negotiate a settlement with your creditors and limit the legal and financial repercussions of a lawsuit. You should always talk to an attorney any time you get sued by a creditor.

Assistance With Removals

    Many credit repair or credit services attorneys advertise their ability to get negative information removed from your credit report and thus increase your credit score. It is difficult to know whether an attorney will be better able to get a negative item removed from your credit than a consumer, but if you are unable to take the time to do it yourself or are uncomfortable with the process, you might consider hiring an attorney to help you with your credit repair needs.


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