Saturday, May 22, 2004

Can Credit Negatively Affect Getting a Job?

Can Credit Negatively Affect Getting a Job?

You've found your dream job only to realize you may never get it, not because you don't qualify, but because you took too many risks with your credit history. That's right---there are careers that, because of the demand for integrity and reliability inherent in the job, require a credit check before an applicant is hired.

Law Enforcement

    Being in a position of authority, such as with the police department, means handling serious responsibility on a daily basis. This is why many police departments run a credit check before hiring new officers. The Sacramento Police Department recommends maintaining a clean credit record prior to applying for employment as an officer or, if your credit history is poor, at least show initiative in repairing your credit.

Dealing with Money

    Employee theft accounts for a $30 billion loss to the retail industry, according to the The New York Times. Because of this, it makes sense that businesses that require employees to handle money run a credit check before taking on new hires. Industries that react negatively to poor credit history include banking, accounting and investing.

Protection and Integrity

    Health care professions may also require an approved credit check before hiring new employees such as nurses, medical assistants and laboratory technologists. Those working in health care are responsible for the safety and well-being of the patients in their care. An employer checks an applicant's credit history as a way of evaluating that person's ability to be responsible and reliable.

What it Means for You

    Employers aren't seeking to harm you by checking your credit, reports MSN Money. In a 2010 survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 54 percent of employers who run credit checks said they did so to prevent theft. If you have an explanation for the state of your credit history, and are trying to rectify it, present that to your potential employer. He may overlook your mistakes and give you a chance to prove yourself.


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