Wednesday, August 25, 2004

How to Challenge the credit bureaus

Credit bureaus exist for the purpose of being non-biased entities that report credit experiences of it's subscribers.
A subscriber is a creditor that supplies the payment history and account details of it's customers to the credit bureaus. The credit bureaus are required by law to investigate reported items that consumers dispute.



    Conduct an online search for the addresses to Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
    Perform a Search using Google, Yahoo or Msn to get the contact information and addresses to the three major credit bureaus.


    Order a copy of your credit report from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
    You will need a copy from all three credit bureaus to make sure that your information is correct.


    Check your credit report for accuracy.
    Your information will rarely match among credit bureaus. This is because credit reporting is not done in real time. In most cases, your creditors will know your balance as you use your credit card, however your information is not reported to the credit bureaus until the end of the month. Some subscribers report to only one or two credit bureaus.
    Most subscribers now report to all three credit bureaus. When information varies, it causes your credit scores to be inconsistent.


    Challenge information that is incorrect.
    Write to each credit bureau that has errors on your credit report. It will typically take less than 30 days to receive a written response. When disputing information on your credit report, supply any proof that will help strengthen your case.


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