Saturday, January 22, 2005

How to Remove Paid Debts From My Credit Report

It can be difficult enough to achieve or maintain a high credit score without inaccurate items pulling the number down. If you have a debt on your credit report that is inaccurate, you can file a dispute with both the creditor and the credit-reporting companies. There is no guarantee the debt will be removed; you will have to prove it inaccurate. However, if you are unsuccessful, you can tell the reporting company to keep your dispute on file and include it in your future reports.



    Acquire all of your credit reports from the three major consumer reporting companies. These are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. By checking all three of these reports, you will know if you need to remove the debt from just one report or all of them. The Federal Trade Commission says you are entitled to a free credit report from these companies once a year. To order your report, go to


    Send a written letter, not an email, to each consumer-reporting agency that has listed the debt you are disputing. Inform them of the debt you are disputing by enclosing a copy of the credit report with the disputed item circled. Enclose copies of all documents, such as payment records or court documents, to support your claim. Only send copies of documents; keep the originals.


    Make a copy of your letter before you mail the letter. Mail the letter by certified mail and request a return receipt. Keep this documentation to prove the credit agency received your letter. The Federal Trade Commission requires these agencies to investigate and respond to your dispute letter within 30 days.


    Send a second dispute letter to the creditor of the disputed debt. This letter should be similar to the first. It should include copies of all documentation to support your claim. The creditor is legally required to investigate your claim, and, if the evidence supports your claim, to notify all three nationwide reporting companies that the debt is invalid.


    Ask the reporting company for the new corrected credit report if your disputed debt is proven invalid. The company is legally required to provide you with the written results of the investigation as well as the corrected credit report.


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