Monday, June 6, 2005

Trans Risk Score Vs. FICO

Trans Risk Score Vs. FICO

Although Fair Isaac Company, or FICO, and TransUnion TransRisk scores are both referred to as "credit scores," there are some key differences between the two. Although they both measure creditworthiness, the importance of these scores differ significantly.


    FICO scores are the official measure of credit risk and were used by 90 percent of lending institutions and banks as of July 2010, according to Score. FICO scores, which range from 300 to 850, average a reading of your scores from TransUnion, Equifax and Experian, the three credit bureaus.


    The TransRisk score is an unofficial "credit score" that consumers can purchase from TransUnion. TransRisk is a type of "educational score," and has no relation to your actual credit score, according to Score.


    Companies consider only the FICO score when making credit decisions. Your TransRisk score may or may not be close to the actual value of your FICO score. You should use TransRisk only as a general guide and not as a replacement for your actual FICO score.


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