Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to Repair Your Beacon Score

Your credit score is very important, especially if you are preparing to make a large purchase, such as a home or car. Before you complete any applications for credit, you should take a look at your credit report and make sure everything is correct and that your credit score is good. You want to make sure your Beacon score is at least 620, which will give you some of the better interest rates and less problems when trying to buy something on credit.



    Call one of the three major companies (Experian, TransUnion or Equifax) to get a current copy of your credit report.


    Read over the report carefully, making sure information is correct. Highlight anything incorrect, such as accounts you no longer have or discrepancies in payment history.


    Call the companies showing errors or call the credit reporting agency to request an inquiry. Follow up at the end of the time period the company specified.


    Complete as few applications as possible for credit cards and loans. Each one is reflected on your credit report, and it can look bad if you have too many in a six-month period.


    Pay all your bills on time to help build up your credit score. This is especially important with revolving credit.


    Lower your debt load and pay extra on different accounts. Keep balances low through making timely payments each month.


    Apply only when you actually need credit. Do not apply for credit cards or loans just to see if you can get them.


    Hire a lawyer or professional credit repair company to remove any negative credit issues appearing on your credit report.


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