Saturday, October 4, 2008

Can a Visa Debit Card Help Build Credit?

Can a Visa Debit Card Help Build Credit?

Credit scores are a measurement of how you manage your debts. Debit cards are a method of managing your money; they don't incur debt. Because of this, banks do not report debit transactions to the credit bureaus.

The Facts

    To build credit, you must accrue debt and pay it off. Credit cards allow you to do this, but Visa debit cards do not.


    Debit cards teach you how to manage your money and are good practice for learning how to spend responsibly with a credit card.


    You can opt to use your Visa debit card for credit transactions, but these transactions do not help you build credit.


    If you don't spend more than you have with your Visa debit card, this will demonstrate responsibility. Your bank will be more likely to issue you a credit card if you have a good track record with your debit card.


    If you spend more with your Visa debit card than what is in your checking account, you will owe the bank money. If you do not pay what you owe, this will eventually harm your credit score.


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