Monday, November 10, 2008

How Do I Access My Credit Reports?

How Do I Access My Credit Reports?

Credit reports contain information on everything from your credit card balances to your address and criminal history. Consumer reporting bureaus Equifax, Experian and TransUnion sell the information to businesses such as credit card companies. Your credit score, which is based on the information in the reports, is used to determine your credit worthiness and affects the interest rate you will be charged. By regularly reviewing credit reports, you can check for errors and evaluate what areas can be improved to boost your credit rating. You are entitled to access your credits reports free once a year through, the only official website for free credit reports.



    Apply to access your credit reports online. It is fast, simple and your reports can be viewed instantly. Go to


    Select your state from the menu. Click "Request Report." Carefully complete the application. Incorrect information will invalidate your request as your identity will not be verified. If you have lived in your current home for less than two years provide your previous address.


    Type the security characters shown in the box at the bottom of the application form. Follow the online instructions. Select the reports you want: Experian, Equiifax or TransUnion, or all three. Wait for your identity to be verified. You will be given a link to set your username and password.


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