Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to Dispute Trans Union Reports Online

How to Dispute Trans Union Reports Online

Inaccurate information on your credit report can adversely affect your credit score. Every person is allowed a free copy of their three credit reports every year. Because credit reporting agencies can have typos and clerical errors, careful inspection of your credit report is necessary to maintain a good credit score.

Individuals with negative information on their credit report will want to take an extra close look. There are limitations on the length of time a negative entry can be reported on your credit report. Accounts that have surpassed this allowed time can be disputed and removed from your report. This will increase your credit score.



    Order a copy of your free credit report online. You are allowed one copy from each credit reporting agency yearly. People who have been denied credit due to credit information pulled from TransUnion can order a free report.


    Select the dispute button on the credit entry that is in question. A form will appear asking why you are disputing the information. You will also be given an option to add a note.


    TransUnion will contact the creditor to confirm the accuracy of the information. The creditor will have up to 45 days to verify the information. Failure by the creditor to respond to the request will result in having the item deleted.


    Check your email for a response from TransUnion. They will email you the results of the investigation approximately 3 to 5 days after they close the dispute.


    Add a consumer statement to your report. When a dispute result is unsatisfactory, you have the right to add a personal statement to your credit report explaining your side of the situation.


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