Thursday, January 5, 2012

How to Get My Credit Up With Bad Credit

How to Get My Credit Up With Bad Credit

Having a low credit score can be an extremely frustrating and difficult situation. After all, bad credit ratings can make it really difficult to do everything from renting an apartment to borrowing money from a lender. Although it may seem difficult to increase a low credit score, several tips can be helpful in doing so.



    Be prompt with your bill payments. Although it seems like the obvious answer, always paying your bills on time is the only sure-fire way to raise your credit score. If you have a hard time remembering to pay your bills by their due dates, set-up a payment reminder that will go to either your cell phone via text message, or email inbox. Or, set up automatic bill pay online in which your due amount is automatically deducted out of a credit/debit card or bank account that you link with the website.


    Avoid moving your debt around. Instead of consolidating and moving around your debt, simply focus on paying it off entirely and getting rid of it. Also, avoid closing out credit card accounts that you don't use, as it generally looks better to have your revolving debt correspond with more credit cards, rather than less.


    Closely monitor your credit report. Many companies out there make the process of buying your credit report very easy and fast, such as Experian. Be vigilant and go through your credit report with a fine-toothed comb, and watch out for any mistakes that could be printed on the score that could lead to your score being lower. Credit reports also could alert you to any possible signs of identity theft and credit card fraud, both of which could lower your score significantly.


    Abstain from opening up new credit card accounts. If at all possible, stay away from opening up any new cards. After all, the goal is to reduce the amount of revolving credit, not increase it. Just focus on your current credit cards and paying your bills on time, as this will greatly improve your credit score with some time.


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