Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Dispute Derogatory Remarks on a Credit Report

How to Dispute Derogatory Remarks on a Credit Report

Your credit report is incredibly important in your life. Employers may use it to determine whether to hire you. Landlords may choose to offer you a place to live on the strength of it. And banks will use it to decide whether to offer you credit. So it's well worth keeping an eye on your report. If you see something that's derogatory or inaccurate, challenge it.



    Order a free credit report. You have the right to see the full report held about you by each of the three reporting companies once every 12 months. Visit, and complete the request form, or you can call 877-322-8228 to make the request. The three reporting companies--Equifax, Experian and TransUnion--all subscribe to this service.


    Write to the consumer reporting company that has made the error, telling them that you believe there is an inaccuracy in your report, and that you would like it removed or corrected. When you write to them, enclose your copy of the report, with the items that you are disputing clearly marked. There is contact information for all of the companies in the Resources section.


    Enclose supporting documentation. Send copies (not originals) of anything you believe helps your case.


    Send your letter by certified mail and request a return receipt. Keep copies of all of your correspondence.


    Complete the same process with the agency that provided the inaccurate information to the credit reporting company. This, for instance, could be your credit card company or bank. Write to them, detailing the error. Enclose a copy of the report with the disputed item clearly marked, and also include copies of documents that support your case. Again, keep copies of all correspondence.


    Wait for the credit reporting agency to complete its investigation of your complaint, which they must do within 30 days. If they concur with your dispute, and change anything in your report, they will send you a free copy of the amended report. The agency that provided the inaccurate information must also now notify the other two credit reporting companies.


    Request that the amended copy of your report be sent to anyone who has accessed it within the last six months. This will be done free of charge.


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