Monday, October 29, 2012

Different Credit Rating Agencies

Four main companies serve as the gatekeepers for consumer credit reports and credit scores. These companies collect information from lenders, compile the information and maintain files on millions of people across the world. Equifax, TransUnion and Experian collect and manage consumer credit reports. The Fair Isaac Corporation computes consumer credit scores. All four companies sell information to both consumers and businesses.


    Equifax collects credit information and compiles credit histories on consumers. Consumers can order a copy of their Equifax credit history and credit score, or their credit score and credit history from all three credit bureaus, through the Equifax website. The company also sells the Identity Report. This report shows lenders a snapshot of a consumer's credit rating and any potential problems the consumer may have, such as a misreported personal address. Equifax also sells monthly monitoring to consumers. The monitoring tracks a consumer's credit score changes over time.


    Experian primarily compiles and sells consumer credit reports, although the company also markets analytic services for businesses. Consumers can purchase their Experian credit report and credit score, or all three credit bureau's credit reports, through the Experian website. Experian also offers a monthly credit monitoring product that updates daily and an identity-protection service. The identity production costs a monthly fee and includes alerts for suspected fraudulent activity.


    TransUnion monitors the credit history of 500 million consumers, according to the company website. Consumers can order their TransUnion credit report and credit score through the TransUnion website. The company offers a monthly monitoring service. The monitoring service includes information on all three bureaus and updates regularly. Consumers also receive identity theft insurance with the program. In addition to products, consumers can dispute information in their credit reports through the TransUnion website.

Fair Isaac Corporation

    The Fair Isaac Corporation developed the FICO credit scoring system. A FICO credit score uses a three-digit number to rate a consumer's credit history. For businesses, the Fair Isaac Corporation offers underwriting scoring systems for insurance products, analytic systems for business and systems to help anticipate and prevent insurance fraud. Consumers can purchase a copy of the FICO credit score through the Fair Isaac Corporations consumer website, The company also sells monthly monitoring of credit scores for a small fee.


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