Friday, July 5, 2013

How to Obtain a New Credit Score

The Fair Issac Corp. is responsible for the FICO credit scoring model. This model is used by credit bureaus to calculate a person's creditworthiness based on a numerical equation. There are numerous ways to obtain a new credit score. The Fair Issac Corp. maintains a website that distributes credit scores, the credit bureaus will distribute credit scores to customers and credit monitoring services offer free credit scores to customers who purchase other services.



    Order a credit score directly from MyFICO. MyFICO is the official website for the Fair Issac Corp. Customers can obtain a credit score from either TransUnion or Equifax, but not Experian. To purchase a credit score based on either report, myFico will charge $15.95, or order credit scores based on reports from both bureaus for $31.90 (prices as of 2010). The FICO score from either or both reports will be viewable online after payment is processed.


    Get a new credit score directly from the credit bureau. The three credit bureausExperian, Equifax and TransUnionwill each provide a customer with a credit score based on the customer's credit report with that particular bureau. Experian charges $14.95 for a credit score and report. Equifax charges $15.95 for a credit score and credit report. In order to get a TransUnion credit score, customers must also purchase credit monitoring service for $14.95 per month. Credit scores will be viewable online after purchase is complete.


    Obtain a free credit score when you purchase services from a credit monitoring company. A credit monitoring service is supposed to notify a customer of any unusual activity on her credit report. There are many credit monitoring services available. All three credit bureaus offer a credit monitoring service, as do other popular services such as FreeCreditReport and FreeCreditScore. Each of these services charges a monthly fee that varies but is typically not more than $20 per month (as of 2010). Credit scores may be viewed online after a customer purchases services or accepts a trial offer.


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