Your credit scores for each credit reporting bureau may be different. Lenders do not necessarily report to each bureau. You may have a better score with one bureau than another. It's important to check all three credit scores regularly. You then have the opportunity to correct any errors, and see areas where improvements could be made, resulting in a higher credit score.
You can get your three credit scores (TransUnion, Equifax & Experian) for free by taking a 30-day, payment free, trial subscription from TransUnion. Your credit history report held by each bureau is included in the 30-day trial period for free.
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Apply online to get all three credit scores instantly. It's simple and quick. TransUnion, Equifax and Experian record credit information from lenders, but you only need apply to one credit reporting bureau to get all three scores. Click the TransUnion link (see Resources) to check all three credit scores. Click for the 30-day free trial. Subsequent months cost $14.94. Complete the application form. Accuracy is important.
2Click "Submit." Follow the simple instructions. Enter your payment details (your account won't be debited). Click "Submit," and your identity will be checked. Review your application and click "Continue." You will be given logi-n details and a link to the log-in page.
3Click on the link. The log-in page is displayed. Enter your user name. Set your password. Select your password reminder (e.g., memorable name, place or date). Click "Enter." You now have access your credit scores and reports.
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