Monday, August 28, 2006

What Is a Legitimate Dispute on Your Credit Report?

If you have a credit file, there is a chance that you may have information that can be legitimately disputed because it does not belong there. Contact the credit reporting agency with which the information appears and submit a dispute in writing.


    You are allowed to dispute items on your credit report that are inaccurate or incomplete. Errors appear on various credit reports from time to time.

Bad Credit

    If you have negative information in your credit file, such as a bankruptcy older than 10 years or a collection account older than seven years, you can dispute these items with the credit reporting agency.

Wrong Account

    An account that is not yours can be disputed as well. It is not uncommon for credit information from another debtor to appear on your credit report. Your information can be mistaken for someone with a similar name. A family member's information can get mixed with yours in a case in which there is a Jr. or Sr. II or III involved.

Credit Rating

    Some creditors have erroneously reported that a customer was late. If this happens to you, contact the credit agency and dispute the credit rating you were given. Bad credit showing up on your credit report can lower your score even if it's not yours.


    If you opened a credit card account in 2005 and your credit report shows that it was opened in 2009, you should dispute this as well. An older credit report helps increase your credit score. The wrong date could make it appear as though you have not had credit long and lower your score


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