Thursday, April 3, 2008

What Is the Beginning Credit Score?

A credit score is used by lenders when assessing your credit worthiness. Scores are used to determine the chance that you will default on a loan. If you have a high credit score, you can receive better interest rates on credit products.


    A beginning credit score is 300 and the highest credit score is 850. The two categories that contribute the most to your credit score are your payment history and the amount of debt you have outstanding. Too much debt can lower your score.


    According to, if you have a credit score of 680 points, it can be reduced by 60 to 80 points if you are 30 days late with a payment.


    Credit scores start when you begin to accumulate information in your credit file. If you are approved for a loan or credit card, the lender will send the trade line information that includes the name of the creditor, balance, date last paid, credit limit, and the credit rating. This information is called a trade line.


    When you take your credit cards up to the limit, your credit score can be negatively impacted. Paying down your credit cards can increase your credit score.


    A credit score of 600 or less is considered a bad credit score.


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