Lenders look at credit scores to help them decide whether you are a good candidate for a loan. Experian is one of the three major credit reporting agencies that produce credit scores. At Experians website you can obtain your credit score, examine your credit report and dispute any inaccuracies. The company also offers tips on improving your credit score.
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Visit Experians website (see Resources). The site offers several products that include credit scoring. At a minimum, you will need to order an Experian credit report with credit scoring. For a higher fee, you can order reports from all three credit reporting agencies with credit scores.
2Fill in the credit report order form completely and accurately. Provide your Social Security number, date of birth and payment information.
3After you click Submit Secure Order Form, answer the personal information questionnaire. To confirm your identity, these questions ask about past loans and previous residences. If you can't provide the correct answers for the identity check, you will not be able to obtain your credit report or score through the website. In this case, Experian will instruct you how to obtain your credit report and credit score by mail.
4Click on the page link that will display your credit report and score. Go through the information section by section to confirm that the reporting information is correct. If you find inaccurate information, highlight the section, click Dispute This Item, provide the reason for your dispute and click Submit.
5Keep your Experian login and password information safe. Provide Experian with a correct email address so the company can notify you of the results from its review of disputed items.
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