Getting credit with a terrible credit history can prove challenging. Although credit is needed to improve a bad score, lenders and banks may not accept your applications. While you may not qualify for a major credit card or other types of financing with a terrible credit history, getting credit is doable. The key is knowing where to apply and choosing the right type of credit card.
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Get an income source. Credit card applications ask for the name of your employer and annual income. Secure a steady source of income before seeking a credit card with poor credit.
2Complete an application for a secured credit card. Numerous banks issue secured credit cards to people with terrible credit. These accounts require a security deposit, and paying a secured card on time helps raise a low credit score. Ask your personal bank for an application, or complete an online application from websites such as You'll need to open a savings account with the chosen bank.
3Ask someone to become a joint user on a credit card. Major credit cards are difficult to acquire with terrible credit unless you have someone to co-sign or become a joint account holder. Adding your name to someone's credit account can also get you a credit card with terrible credit. As an authorized user, the credit card company will issue a card in your name.
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