Errors on your credit report can lower your credit score and inhibit your ability to open new accounts. Fortunately, you are entitled to copies of your credit reports and can notify the credit bureaus of any corrections that are needed to remove erroneous information. You will need to check your reports from all of the bureaus and report any problems to each individual bureau to make sure they are corrected.
- 1
Request a free copy of your credit report from all three of the main credit bureaus. Transunion, Equifax, and Experian must all provide you with one free copy upon your request on an annual basis. This allows you to check regularly for any needed corrections.
2Go through each of your credit reports, making a note of any incorrect information. Make a list of what is wrong and the report(s) on which the errors appear.
3Visit each credit bureau's website and fill out a dispute form for the incorrect items. You must report corrections separately to each of the three bureaus, even if the same mistake appears on all three of your reports. Each credit bureau is a separate company, and they do their investigations independently.
4Request a second copy of your credit report from each bureau to which you reported corrections. Give them 60 days to investigate the problem and make corrections before requesting the new copy. If the information is not corrected, they are required to report the results of their investigation.
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