Monday, April 17, 2006

How to Dispute a Credit Bureau

How to Dispute a Credit Bureau

Credit bureaus are not perfect, and often include incorrect information on consumer credit files. These mistakes can lower your credit score and make it difficult for you to get loans, insurance or even a job. Fortunately, it's not difficult to dispute a credit bureau that has included erroneous data on your credit report.



    Check your credit reports for incorrect information. Request a copy of your credit report from each of the three major bureaus (Equifax, Transunion and Experian) every year (see Resources). You are entitled to a copy of these reports at no cost on an annual basis.


    Make a list of the items to dispute with each of the credit bureaus. Look for mistakes like incorrectly recorded late payments and judgments, repossessions or other items that can lower your credit score.


    File a dispute with each of the credit bureaus using the form on their websites. List the incorrect items, and include any information that proves the items are wrong.


    After 60 days have passed, check your credit report to make sure that the disputes have been handled and incorrect items have been removed.


    If the disputed items have not been removed and the credit bureaus refuse to take any action, add a consumer statement to your credit reports. This is a statement that explains your side of the story in regard to the disputed items. When you apply for credit, the potential lender will see your statement.


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