Monday, February 20, 2012

How to Buy a Credit Report

Whether or not you can obtain a loan to buy a house or car and how high your interest rate will be depends on your credit rating. Obtaining a credit card, qualifying for a rental lease and even some jobs are also based on your credit score. Keep track of your rating by buying and reviewing your credit report. Identify any errors and have them corrected before they adversely affect your rating.



    Go to and click the red "Get Started" button.


    Enter your name, address and email address. Click the red "Continue" button.


    Enter your social security number, date of birth and telephone number. Create a user name and password, then type a secret question security answer. Do not choose a user name or password that is easily stolen, like your birth date. Instead choose a mixture of letters and words to prevent any of your sensitive information from being compromised. Click the "I Accept" button under Terms of Use, then click the red "Continue" button.


    Confirm your identity by answering two security questions regarding your current credit cards or mortgage. These will be questions only you will know the answer to, such as the name of your mortgage company or your monthly mortgage amount. Click the red "Continue" button.


    Choose the payment type and enter your credit card payment information. Click the red "Submit Order" button. You will receive an email confirmation of your order. You have the option to print your credit report immediately or you can log in and print for 30 days.


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