Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to Explain Financial Hardship to Justify a Negative Credit Report

Many people fall into financial hardships that result in late payments on loans and credit cards. Although most hardships are temporary, negative information remains visible on your credit report for seven years, or 10 years for bankruptcy. Derogatory items on your credit report can hinder you from getting additional credit or even employment so you must be able to successfully explain your financial situation when you incurred the negative history and how you have improved since then.



    Give a thorough but short description of the circumstances that lead to your negative credit. Do not include extra information or irrelevant facts, and do not try to get sympathy for your situation.


    Admit to mistakes you made that contributed to your credit problems. Explain what you learned form those mistakes and the steps you are taking to ensure you do not make those mistakes again.


    Tell the lender or employer what you did to deal with the situation at the time. Even if your attempts did not stop the credit blemishes, interested parties want to see evidence of you trying to rectify the situation before it got out of hand.


    Make note of how you are moving forward and the steps you are taking to create positive credit for the future. Mention current on-time bill payments and the plan you are following to get your finances back on track.


    Give the lender or employer evidence of your income, expenses and the hardship that created your financial troubles. This can include notice of a layoff, medical records, divorce records or a statement from your state unemployment office or Department of Social Services.


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