Credit profile numbers are often promoted as a way to get a fresh start and have a brand new credit score. However, the law is meant to protect the privacy of those who do not want their identity stolen. The CPN number is only used for credit profiles and is not a Social Security number substitute. The number was a creation of the 1974 U.S. Privacy Act Title V, which prevents banks from denying you credit because you refuse to share your Social Security number.
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Formulate a rationale for needing a CPN number. The law allowing for the creation of a CPN is considered a "loophole," and the credit bureaus and banks are working to prevent people from abusing the ability to get multiple CPN numbers and using lines of credit they don't intend to pay back.
2Contact an attorney to help you navigate the process of obtaining a CPN. People on the Internet are often scamming people by getting them to pay huge fees for CPN numbers that turn out to be unusable. Hiring an attorney will help to increase the probability of obtaining a CPN number and not subjecting you to potential legal consequences from the process.
3Instruct your attorney to follow all applicable laws and to make sure he contacts the Social Security office. This will help alert the authorities to what you are doing and your rationale behind it.
4Be prepared to follow up on any questions that may be asked of you by the federal government or credit bureaus about your intentions behind obtaining this number. Always consult your attorney when dealing with those authorities.
5Use your CPN number only when necessary. Opening new lines of credit and avoiding problems you may have had with credit using your Social Security number is not how a CPN should be used. Debts incurred by a person are always the responsibility of the person using the lines of credit.
If you want some info about CPN Number. Feel free to contact us !!!