Your credit score is a measure of how trustworthy you are with money, gives creditors information about how reliable you were in the past about paying back debts and tells them how risky it would be to lend you money now. The information that is used to calculate your credit score is reported to three credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. To find your average score, you will have to see all three reports.
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Go to to get your credit reports online (see Resource). This is the only government-authorized website where you can find your credit score online. You can call each credit bureau and request your report by mail, but this means identity thieves could go through your discarded mail and see the personal financial information on your credit report.
2On, select the state you live in from the drop-down menu on the homepage and then select "Request Report."
3Fill out the necessary personal information on the form, which includes your Social Security number. To keep your private data safe, make sure you do not do this on a public computer or on a wireless Internet connection.
4Select the credit reporting bureau whose report you want to check first. will then transfer you to the website for the credit bureau you choose, where you can order and view your report.
5Pay for your credit score using a credit card or PayPal. While you are entitled to a free credit report from each bureau once a year, you have to pay for your credit score. As of 2010, it will cost you $15.95.
6Return to, select another credit bureau and repeat the same steps to get your credit scores from the other two bureaus.
7Add up all three credit scores that you received from the three credit bureaus and divide your total by three. This will give you your credit score average for all of the agencies that collect this information.
For example, if you received a score of 680 from Experian, 692 from Equifax and 673 from TransUnion, adding them up would give you 2045. To get your average credit score, divide that by three to get 682.
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