Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How to Clear Negative Credit History

If you have a negative credit history, it can prevent you from getting loans or increase the interest rate that you must pay when you do get a loan. Unfortunately, unless there are mistakes on your credit report, there are no easy ways to clear negative credit history quickly. However, you can, over time, create a more positive credit report, which will put you in a better position. This requires patience and determination, because you may have to make due with less.



    Correct mistakes on your credit report. Look over your credit report for any negative marks that are incorrect. For example, your report may show an open, unpaid account when you've actually paid the balance and closed the account. Send the credit bureau a letter by certified mail disputing these mistakes, providing any proof that you may have, such as a canceled check. The bureau must respond within 30 days.


    Pay your bills by the due date. Your lenders don't care whether you pay more than the minimum balance. In fact, they prefer that you didn't, because they can then charge you more in interest. What they do care about is whether they receive your payment by the due date. If they don't, they'll report it to the credit bureaus, giving you a negative mark.


    Ask your creditors to remove negative remarks. In some cases, a company will remove negative things about your account simply by asking. For example, if you are generally a good customer but had a few late payments, the company may reverse those for you.


    Wait. If you have many legitimate negative marks on your credit report, there is little that you can do to remove them except for waiting. These marks will go off your report after seven years.


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