Your employment history is updated when you apply for a new line of credit or loan. If you have not applied for a new line of credit or loan and your employment history has changed, you might want to update your credit reports so new lenders and employers have the most current information. According to Credit Builders Alliance, "Lenders rarely rely on the employment section of a credit report to verify employment stability."
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Request a free credit report from each of the three major consumer credit reporting agencies --- TransUnion, Experian and Equifax --- through the website.
2Verify your most recent employment. If it is missing, update it by contacting the reporting agency. Check your past employment history for errors or missing information.
3Contact the credit bureaus. You can call TransUnion at (800) 916-8800. Experian and Equifax require you to contact them through the number provided on your credit report.
4Update your employment history. Include employer names, dates of employment and employer addresses.
5Provide supporting documentation, such as a pay stub, by mail or fax.
6View your corrected credit report, which the reporting bureau will send by mail once the changes have been made. If you have an online credit monitoring service, you will receive a link to your updated credit report.
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