Consumers within the United States are entitled to a free credit report each year. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that national credit reporting agencies provide a free annual credit report to consumers. The credit report contains information regarding your open and closed credit accounts, payment history and inquiries. Experian, TransUnion and Equifax are the three major credit reporting bureaus in the United States. You can request a free annual credit report through a website jointly managed by the bureaus.
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Access the Annual Credit Report website and select your state from the drop-down menu on the home page. Click "Request Report."
2Enter your personal information. You need to provide your name, current address and Social Security number. The information you provide is used to retrieve your credit report. Enter the CAPTCHA code and click "Continue."
3Check the boxes next to the credit reporting bureaus from which you would like to receive a report. You can select all three bureaus. Click "Next."
4Click "Next" to view the first credit report. You will be redirected to the credit bureau's website. You may be required to re-enter some of your personal information to verify your identity. You may also need to answer questions about your credit history.
5Review the credit report. You can print the credit report by selecting the "Print" option on the web page.
6Click "Return to Annual Credit Report" in the top menu on the web page after you review the credit report. You will be redirected by to the Annual Credit Report website where you can select the next credit reporting bureau you would like to visit.
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