Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to Lift a Credit Freeze

How to Lift a Credit Freeze

Placing a freeze on your credit file is a tool used to prevent identity theft. During the time a credit report is frozen, no one can access your credit report without you giving prior permission. Lifting the credit freeze is referred to as thawing your credit file. During the time frame the credit freeze is lifted, your credit report is accessible to potential lenders.


By phone


    Call the credit-reporting agency with which you have placed the credit freeze. Advise the call agent you would like to lift the credit freeze from your account. State whether this is a temporary lift or a permanent lift.


    Provide the representative with the personal pin number you were given when you initiated the credit freeze. Additionally, you will need to provide your name, address, date of birth and Social Security number.


    Supply the name of the organization you are authorizing to request your credit report. Provide the date span for the credit freeze lift. If this is a permanent lift of the credit freeze you will not need to provide this information.


    Make a payment for the credit freeze lift if the credit-reporting agency charges a fee.

By mail


    Determine if you are requesting a permanent lift of the credit freeze or if this is a temporary lift. If temporary, determine the date span you would like the credit freeze lifted. Gather the information of the specific third party to whom you are allowing access to your credit file.


    Write a letter to the credit-reporting agency in question. State you are requesting either a permanent or temporary credit freeze. Provide your name, Social Security number, date of birth, address and the secured pin number that was given to you when you froze the credit file. If this is a temporary credit lift, state the name of the creditor and the date span of the credit lift.


    Include the payment for the credit freeze if the credit-reporting agency charges a fee for the credit freeze lift. Call the credit-reporting agency if you are unsure a fee is charged or to determine the proper fee.


    Wait for a response from the credit-reporting agency confirming the credit freeze lift. If you do not receive a response within 30 days, follow up with a phone call or letter.


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