Your credit score follows you everywhere. Whether you want to buy a house, a car or even open a bank account, your credit score will be a major factor in the process. If your credit score is less than stellar, there are ways to fix it. Scam artists promise that they have secret ways to fix your credit, but most of what they promise is either illegal or a lie. Instead, you can fix your score yourself the correct, legal way.
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Gather your credit reports from all three credit reporting companies: Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. Print out copies of each one and go through them one by one. Highlight anything that is not current or does not seem accurate. Look for accounts that have many late payments, are past due, are in collections or have any other negative comments listed.
2Get current on your bills. You will never improve your score if you are behind on payments. Cut out any unnecessary expenses from your budget at least temporarily, and use the extra money to get your payments up to date.
3Work your way through any delinquent accounts. Call the collection agencies and ask them to settle with you. Often they will offer to lower the amount owed if you are willing to make an immediate payment or agree to a payment plan.
4Correct any mistakes on your account. If there are any bad accounts listed on your credit report that are not actually yours or have incorrect amounts, contact the company and ask what their process is for removing it from your credit report. Each company will have a process for making corrections.
5Begin building a good credit record. Stay current on your bills. Choose one credit card, preferably the one you have had the longest, and use it once or twice a month for small purchases but always pay the amount off in full. Start paying down debt, especially the credit cards.
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