Your credit report is an important factor in multiple facets of life, especially when you apply for a loan through a bank. Your credit score gives businesses an idea of how likely you are to repay the loan and under what terms they will lend the money. If you have a negative mark on your credit report, it can cause you to be denied for a loan or perhaps have a higher interest rate than necessary. If there is a negative mark you believe should not be on your Transunion report, you can dispute it.
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Go to the TransUnion online dispute page at Create an account or log in with your existing username and password.
2Click accept to get a "Free Personal Credit Report for dispute" and click "Next."
3Click "Continue" on the next page.
4Look through your credit report. If you need to report an inaccuracy, click "Report an inaccuracy" at the top of the page. It is placed under the "Score" tab.
5Click "Submit Dispute."
6Enter your email address and click "Save."
7Click "Request Investigation" and read and accept the terms and conditions.
8Fill in the verification information.
9Click "Investigate" or "Update" next to an item that you feel you need to dispute.
10Fill in the information about the dispute, including why you feel it needs to be changed. Click "OK." It will take you back to your credit report. Click "Investigate" or "Update" next to any other disputes.
11Scroll to the bottom and click "Continue." Review the summary and click "Submit" to send your dispute request. Click "Continue." TransUnion will email you with the results within 30 days.
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