Your credit history has a direct effect on your financial health. Having negative items on your credit report, such as late payments, charge-offs and collection accounts, can bring down your credit score and make it difficult for you to qualify for a new credit card or loan. Even worse, the credit bureaus who keep a record of your credit history can make mistakes, giving you a negative rating you do not deserve. By law, you have the right to review your credit report and dispute inaccurate information.
How to Dispute a Credit Report Through the Mail
- 1
Order a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus. By law, you can order a copy of your credit report from TransUnion, Equifax and Experian free once a year through Annual Credit Report.
2Print a copy of the credit report.
3Review the credit report carefully and circle any errors, including accounts reporting inaccurate information and accounts that do not belong to you.
4Write a letter to the credit bureau indicating that you wish to dispute the information. Be as detailed as possible when explaining the error.
5Gather any documents to support your dispute, including copies of paid bills or written letters between you and the creditor.
6Attach your documents and a copy of your credit report to the back of your dispute letter. Mail the dispute letter certified mail.
How to Dispute a Credit Report Over the Phone
- 7
Contact the credit bureau that reported the error and inform them that you wish to open a dispute.
8Provide the customer service representative with a detailed explanation of why you are disputing the information. Ask the representative for her full name and extension. Write the down the date and time or your call as well as your claim number and the name and extension of the representative.
9Contact the credit bureau 30 days from the date of your original call and verify that they have conducted an investigation. By law, the credit bureau must investigate your claim and remove or correct inaccurate information within 30 days.
How to Dispute a Credit Report Online
- 10
Visit the credit bureau's website and click the link to file an online dispute.
11Enter in the requested information in every text box on the online dispute form, being as accurate as possible.
12Press "Submit" to start your online dispute.
13Contact the credit bureau in writing or by telephone if you have not received a response within 30 to 45 days from filing your dispute.
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just want to show my appreciation to CYBERPROFESSIONALHACKER@GMAIL.COM as promised for helping me fix my
ReplyDeletecredit report. I had an eviction judgment and quite a number of other negative items on my report with a low 564 credit
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I was told that this company was a scam by a few people and that they don't work on your credit. Well let me say they are not, they did follow through with everything that I signed off on and talked about in my consultation. Hack West has gone above and beyond to do the right thing which is removing my repossessions, eviction and several charge-offs that I thought I could never get off. I learned more that I knew before with the credit building videos that had been sent to me. It didn’t end by deleting those negatives; my score went up 280pts within a few days. I have to say 100% I would always recommend HACKWEST AT WRITEME DOT COM to anyone that needs to build their credit fast. I was able to apply for a mortgage loan 2days after my credit was fixed and I got qualified. I am now living in my dream home. Their team has been nothing but professional and friendly and I can’t thank the whole team enough. Great job, Fresh Start.
ReplyDeleteWhat more can I say working with XAPCREDITSOLUTION at GMAIL dot COM has been great. I won a prize and XAP has been fixing my bad credit. He is the TRUTH. He is the GOAT on fixing bad credit. I’ve had great conversations with him. I’ve gotten numerous negative items removed from my report. I’ve gotten school loans removed within 2 weeks as well as credit card debts. My credit score was restored from low 540 to high 700s. It took a very long time for me to get bad credit and I thought it would take time to get everything that’s negative removed but XAP did it in less than a few weeks. I would recommend anyone that really wants to get their credit repaired. XAP will make it happen and assist you in numerous ways to obtain higher credit limits, loans, e.t.c. God bless.